family characteristics and quality of interaction with peers and resiliency and vulnerability in children and adolescents living in Family-Like Community Centers

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Yazd University


The overall goal of the research is to identify the relationship between family characteristics and quality of interaction with peers and resiliency and vulnerability in children and adolescents living in Family-Like Community Centers.
Participants in this study included 100 children and adolescents of bourding home in Isfahan province which were selected by simple random sampling. for data collection, we used Resiliency scales of children and adolescents (RSCA), Inventory of parent & peer attachment (IPPA), Researcher made questionnaire.
Using correlation analysis and regression,t-test and One way ANOVA were analyzed. Data analysis showed that; variables trust, Relationship And previous life time with mother can Predict resilience; variables peer attachment previous life time with mother can Predict vulnerability in children and adolescents in bourding home.
The findings of this study, in addition to helping to enrich the theoretical field of resilience, by identifying the individual and contextual factors of predictor of children and adolescents in family-like centers In the area of family and peers can have significant practical implications for supportive Centers and organizations, therapeutic –service centers which receptive Bad Supervisor children and adolescents.


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