The Relationship Between Family Functionning and Psychological Needs with Adolescents’ mental Health

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Tehran University

2 Research Training Center of Tehran University


The family and its function as a social institution has an important role in children’s psychological development. The Aim of this study is to investigate the relations of family functioning and the level of psychological basic needs of adolescents with their mental health. Research design is descriptive -correlational and the sample has been recruited from four military areas in Tehran city via simple random sampling method. A total number of 200 families with their youth (14 to 22 year old) completed three questionnaires: Family Assessment Device (FAD), Psychological Needs Questionnaire (PNQ), and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). The resultsindicate that there are  significant correlations between family functionig subscales and  mental  health of their adolescences. Other finding show that low family functioning has negative correlation with psychological basic needs (including three subscales: competence, autonomy, and relatedness)of adolescents. We discuss the results in the light of previous findings and provide suggestions to improve family function.


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