The relationship between parenting characteristics of parents and children's integrative self-knowledge was investigated in the present study. The aim was to examine the predictive power of children's integrative self-knowledge in terms of parenting characteristics of involvement, autonomy support, and warmth in a sample of students. A total of 352 undergraduate students (142 males, 210 females) from University of Tehran were included in this study. Participants were asked to complete the Perception of Parents Scale (PPS) and the Integrative Self-Knowledge Scale (ISKS). Perceived autonomy support and perceived warmth showed a significant positive association with integrative self-knowledge. Regression analysis revealed that perceived autonomy support and perceived warmth can predict changes of integrative self-knowledge, respectively. It can be concluded that parenting characteristics of parents can influence children's integrative self-knowledge in different ways and possibly through different mechanisms. These characteristic are also influenced by cultural variables.
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M. A. Besharat , S. Bazzazian , N. Ghorbani and M. S. Asghari, "Predicting Children's Integrative Self-Knowledge in Terms of Parenting Characteristics of Parents," Journal of Family Research, 10 1 (2014): 65-78,
Besharat, M. A., Bazzazian, S., Ghorbani, N., Asghari, M. S. Predicting Children's Integrative Self-Knowledge in Terms of Parenting Characteristics of Parents. Journal of Family Research, 2014; 10(1): 65-78.