Developing a mother-child relationship model in reactive attachment disorder and investigating attachment-based Thera play on reducing symptoms of reactive attachment disorder in children

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


university of Isfahan


The aim of this research was developing a mother-child relationship model in reactive attachment disorder and investigating attachment-based Thera play on reducing symptoms of reactive attachment disorder in 2 to 5-year-old children. The current research was a descriptive correlational one. Research population included all mother-child (2 to 5 years old) with reactive attachment disorder in Tehran. In the first part 150 mothers and children selected from kindergartens through available sampling. The sample of second part for assessment of play therapy on reducing the symptoms of reactive attachment disorder included two groups of 15 members in experiment and control. Measurements included RPQ questionnaire, a mother and child interactive play assessment scale and clinical interview. In the second part relationship problem questionnaire was used for pretest and posttest. Explorative factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis was used for recognizing relationship between variables and a nova was used for comparing pretest and posttest of experimental and control group. The results of explorative factor analysis with the aim of recognizing factors related to mother-child relationship model in 2-5-year-old children showed that two factors of affect and mother interference could respectively describe 861.15 and 736.9 of variance and totally 259.25% of variance. Also, the results of man ova showed that play therapy resulted in reducing of symptoms of reactive attachment disorder in experimental group. Mother-child interaction is the first reagent of children world of relationship and powerful predictor of child attachment style. Eliminating of relationship barriers in mother-child relationship in the process of play therapy for children with reactive attachment disorder is the major reason for applying this approach by the therapist.


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