This study investigated the Relation of character strengths and adolescence attachment to parent and peer with conflict to father and mother among 195studentninth grade of the three regions in Tehran were selected using available sampling method and responded to the Short Measure of Character Strength (SMCS),Conflict Behavior Questionnaire(CBQ) and The inventory of parent and peer attachment( IPPA).The variables of attachment to the mother, attachment to the father, attachment to peers, character strengths (wisdom, courage, love, justice, temperance, and transcendence ) as predictive and conflict to father and mother variables were measured by the criterion variables. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the relationship of justice with conflict with the father is positive and significant. In the next step, the relationship between justice and conflict with father-as a separate variable-with attachment to father, justice, moderation, and excellence were positive and significant(P
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khosrojerdi, Z. . "Relation of character strengths and adolescence attachment to parent and peer with conflict to father and mother", Journal of Family Research, 15, 3, 2019, 347-360.
khosrojerdi, Z. (2019). 'Relation of character strengths and adolescence attachment to parent and peer with conflict to father and mother', Journal of Family Research, 15(3), pp. 347-360.
Z. khosrojerdi, "Relation of character strengths and adolescence attachment to parent and peer with conflict to father and mother," Journal of Family Research, 15 3 (2019): 347-360,
khosrojerdi, Z. Relation of character strengths and adolescence attachment to parent and peer with conflict to father and mother. Journal of Family Research, 2019; 15(3): 347-360.