Intergenerational Transmission of Family Factors: Parenting Styles, Attachment Styles & Family Climate

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Khoy Payam Noor University

2 Imam Khomeini University


This research aimed to examine the relationship between parental styles (authoritative, permissive, authoritarian and neglectful), attachment styles (secure, avoidant and ambivalent) & family climate (hot and cold) of two generations. Subjects were 220 (110 boy students of third class of secondary schools of two districts of Qazvin, and 110 parents) who were selected via cluster sampling. In this study, Schaffer,s parenting questionnaires styles (Naqashian, 1358) and Collins and Read,s attachment (Collins & Read, 1990) were used as measures for collecting required data. Analyzes were carried out using simple linear regression, pearson correlation and chi-square. Results revealed that parenting styles, attachment styles and family climate of parents, predict same variables in children as second generation.


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