Content analysis of first grade elementary textbooks based on gender equality components

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Sistan and Baluchestan University of Iran

2 m


Content analysis of first grade elementary textbooks based on gender equality components
The main purpose of this investigation is to analyze the content of first grade elementary textbooks based on the degree of attention to gender equality. The method used in content analysis is Shannon entropy and the unit of page analysis (images, text, questions and exercises) with 6 indicators and 26 sub-indicators is emphasized by the Declaration of Human Rights. In the study of the content of the first grade textbooks, it is observed that among the 6 indicators studied, the highest frequency and importance coefficient belong to the social index. )Men: wj=0.731 & women: wj=0.671) and the lowest frequency and importance coefficient belong to the political index (men: wj=0.039& women wj=0.00). Also, the results indicate the roles of women in Different political situations, health and life chances compared to men have little expression in the textbooks of this period.
Keywords: Gender Equality, First Grade Textbooks, Content Analysis, Shannon Entropy.
