Family has been always regarded as the most important social unit in protection and attention of law. Due to industrialization of societies and the internal and external changes of family and other influencing factors such as broadcasting satellite channels, it seems that new approaches are required to support the unit of family. On the other hand, broadcasting of satellite channels would affect the lifestyle and local pattern of families which may involve families in problems with socialization, abusive behavior, violence, weakness of family foundations, difficulties in educating children, and development of sexual deviations of families based on their culture and values. Although in constitutional and civil law, strengthening families, building strong foundations in the family and parental childrearing practices are mentioned as the rights and tasks of families, are not sufficient in terms of recent changes. Everywhere that there is a duty, there is a titular. The family as a social phenomenon has all these rights. It seems that investigation of the family's rights against satellite programs in current law, and providing a mechanism to support the family could cover the gaps which exist in the legal and communicational space which will be discussed in this paper.
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