Examination of The Relationship Between Fear of Intimacy and Identity Styles and Marital Commitment of Married Couples

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Hormozgan University

2 Kurdistan University


Given the importance of marital commitment in stability and health of family system, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between fear of intimacy and identity styles with marital commitment of married couples. The present study is a descriptive and correlation research. The population was the married staff of the University of Hormozgan in academic year of 1391-92 (lunar calendar), that 119 people of them were selected by available sampling. Data was collected using fear of intimacy inventory (Carol Descanter and Mark Telen, 1991), identity models (Berenski, 1990) and marital commitment questionnaires of Adams and Jones (2003). Data were analyzed based on Pierson correlation and concurrent regression models by SPSS 21. The results of the regression analysis demonstrated a negative correlation between fear of intimacy and marital commitment. It was found that variables of informational and vague identity can affect marital commitments. It is expected that people with no fear of intimacy and more affective identity styles, show deeper marital commitent. Suggestions for educational and therapeutic programs are made to help people to achieve more successful identity style and modify their opinion about intimacy.


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