The Effect of Family Communication Patterns on Shiraz Secondary School Students’ Self-Concept

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Kharazmi University

2 Shiraz University


The present research was performed to evaluate the relationship between family communication patterns (conversation and conformity) with the self-concept (academic, social, physical & valuable). The research sample included 192 secondary school students of Shiraz city (95 girls & 97 boys) who were selected with cluster random sampling method. The data collected by the revised questionnaire of family Communication Patterns (Koerner & Fitzpatrick) and self-concept scale (Mandaglio & Pyryt). The results showed that the family communication of the conversation pattern predicts a positive and meaningful concept for all aspects of self-concept pattern, whereas conformity pattern cannot predict self-concept pattern, significantly. Also, the highest correlation between variables of family and self-concept relationship, belongs to the relationship between valuable self-concept and conversation in the girls group, and the relationship between physical self-concept and conversation in boys. So, it can be said that family-oriented conversation increases self-concept and adjustment of children.


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