Introducing Parenting Styles in Light of Parental Concern: A Cultuling Study

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Department of English and Educational Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


This study defines parenting styles based on the level of parental concern. A qualitative research design was chosen to address the research questions. A total of 473 statements from 388 parents’ naturally occurring conversations and 512 statements from 428 parents’ conversations in 45 Iranian TV series and films, which were relevant to parental concern, were analyzed using the conceptual model of cultuling. Results demonstrated that parents in unequal and informal situations were concerned with matters such as matters as assistance, consultation, persuasion, advice, forcing their opinions, saving face, avoiding blame, blaming, complaining, protesting, and avoiding responsibility. These expressions   could indicate cultural patterns, such as masculinity, collectivism, and holism, particularly in parents with traditional thinking. In addition, a new classification of parenting styles in terms of concern levels was introduced: Apathic, Sympatric, Empathic, and Metapathic parents (a: imposed and b: persuasive). The findings revealed the most common forms of parents’ concern were empathy, metapathy, and then sympathy. This demonstrates that the majority of parents interact with their children empathically, and the imposition of opinions in traditional Iranian families has declined in recent years as more individuals move toward individualism. Moreover, some families prefer apathetic and sympatric parenting styles. In extreme cases, this may create an emotional and generational chasm between parents and children with long-term repercussions for children. Therefore, it is essential to establish a balance between parenting styles.


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