Development and Validation of a Systematic Integrated Couple Therapy Package; Based on Four Systematic Approaches with Content Analysis Method

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 M.A family counsellor, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan


The aim of this present study is to develop and validate a couple therapy package based on the systemic family therapy approaches, which consist of a combination of four systemic approaches of Milan, extended family system, structural and strategic. In the package development stage, the qualitative content analysis method was used. For this purpose, the available and accessible materials including books, articles and dissertations were collected through electronic search in valid databases and were designed by content analysis method. Finally, for validation, the evaluations of 5 experts were collected and the relative ratio CVR were calculated. The findings include a couple therapy protocol based on a combination of four systemic approaches that includes eight 90-minute sessions with these topics:                   1) integration and focus on the system 2) reciprocal dialogue 3) setting boundaries 4) unbalancing 5) hierarchy of power 6) solving problems related to intimacy or opposition technique 7) prevention of recurrence 8) the end of the treatment Validation of the developed package with a validity ratio of 1 showed that this package can be used in parallel or ahead of other methods in couple therapy sessions by combining systemic approaches.


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