The Effectiveness of Sexual Cognitive Reconstruction Program for Couples on Reduction of Sexual Problems

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Yerevan University

2 Isfahan University


Sexual activity is an important part of a marital life that helps couples to feel psychological satisfaction. In times of stress and tension, sexual activity helps men and women to appropriately deal with the pressures or reduce its harmful effects. Couples, who are not satisfied with sexual activity, will face sexual problems, such as sexual dissatisfaction and marital dissatis faction, dys functional family reactions, signs of infertility disorders and psychiatric conditions. Inadequate or incorrect information, disharmony in thoughts and ideas about sexual matters are common reasons of sexual problems. solving these problems and proper education can help couple to reach a more desirable marital relationship. the purpose of this study was to study the effectiveness of sexual cognitive restructuring education on sexual problems of couples in Isfahan. the research method was experimental with pretest-posttest and control group. A sample of 120 couples was selected and they were placed in control and experimental groups randomly. the research instruments were Hooper sexual Problems questionnaires and sexual cognitive restructuring education (Ten two-hour sessions to educate sexual cognitive restructuring were held for experimental group). Research results by covarian cetest showed thateducating sexual cognitive reconstruction seems to be effective on sexual problems (P<.05). In fact educating cognitive restructuring could be effective in reducing couples' sexual problems. By reducing sexual problems, marital and sexual satis faction will be increased andit will have a positive effect on couples’ sexual and marital satisfaction. This study showed that with proper training and cognitive change sinin dividuals the family foundation can be reinforced and strengthen.


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