From the perspective of the Martin Buber's dialogical philosophy, a person interaction with a married couples can only be in an I- IT Communication (a monologue Communication) or an "I-Thou" interaction (a dialogue Communication). In the first Communication, the individual perceives his wife subjectively and experiences a limited part of his existence, based on his past information, with only a limited amount of his existence. The betrayed spouse understands his/her offender spouse as an intersubjectivity and wholeheartedly in I and thou communication. he/she puts his/her partner's whole essence as an integrated unity in the present time instead of experiencing it; in a 'between' realm And understands him/her in a Dialogical communication rather than a monologue one. In this paper, the relationship in the realm between the “I and thou” as the true meaning of forgiveness is discussed following criticizing the concept of the forgiveness of betrayal.
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Khazaei, M. , , Shahidi, S. , , Mootabi, F. , , Mazaheri, M. A. , and Panaghi, L. . "Criticizing the marital infidelity forgiveness from the perspective of Martin Buber's Dialogical Philosophy", Journal of Family Research, 15, 3, 2019, 375-391.
Khazaei, M., Shahidi, S., Mootabi, F., Mazaheri, M. A., Panaghi, L. (2019). 'Criticizing the marital infidelity forgiveness from the perspective of Martin Buber's Dialogical Philosophy', Journal of Family Research, 15(3), pp. 375-391.
M. Khazaei , S. Shahidi , F. Mootabi , M. A. Mazaheri and L. Panaghi, "Criticizing the marital infidelity forgiveness from the perspective of Martin Buber's Dialogical Philosophy," Journal of Family Research, 15 3 (2019): 375-391,
Khazaei, M., Shahidi, S., Mootabi, F., Mazaheri, M. A., Panaghi, L. Criticizing the marital infidelity forgiveness from the perspective of Martin Buber's Dialogical Philosophy. Journal of Family Research, 2019; 15(3): 375-391.