The present study was aimed at examining the factor structure, validity, and reliability of Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire-Revised (PACHIQ-R) among Iranian families. This questionnaire measures two subscales of conflict resolution and acceptance in the two dimensions of parents (21 questions) and children (25 questions). PACHIQ-R questionnaire was translated from English and back-translated and was carried out on a random sample of 400 individuals (200 girls and 200 boys and their parents) in high schools. Factor analysis was employed in order to determine the construct validity. Retest method and internal consistency by Cronbach’s Alpha were used to check the reliability of the questionnaire’s forms (father evaluation by child, mother evaluation by child, child evaluation by father, and child evaluation by mother). The results of measuring the reliability using Alpha coefficient indicated 0.89 to 0.97 for instrument’s subscales. Subscales showed that fitness indices of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the presence of two first-order factors in both scales, which showed that the two-factor model of the four forms was fit with the data. In general, it can be stated that this scale has necessary properties of validity and reliability and can be employed in family research studies and consultation. Few and comprehensive items of this questionnaire result in collecting sufficient data in minimum time.
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Isanejad, O. , , Ghasemi, S. Y. , and Khandan, F. . "Examining the Factor Structure and Reliability of the Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire (PACHIQ) among High School Students", Journal of Family Research, 13, 2, 2017, 251-272.
Isanejad, O., Ghasemi, S. Y., Khandan, F. (2017). 'Examining the Factor Structure and Reliability of the Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire (PACHIQ) among High School Students', Journal of Family Research, 13(2), pp. 251-272.
O. Isanejad , S. Y. Ghasemi and F. Khandan, "Examining the Factor Structure and Reliability of the Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire (PACHIQ) among High School Students," Journal of Family Research, 13 2 (2017): 251-272,
Isanejad, O., Ghasemi, S. Y., Khandan, F. Examining the Factor Structure and Reliability of the Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire (PACHIQ) among High School Students. Journal of Family Research, 2017; 13(2): 251-272.