Lived experience of girls running away from "home"

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Culture and Research (ACECR) Allameh Tabatabai Branch


This paper analyzes the concept of "home" among runaways and with studying the lived experience of this group, we try to achieve good understanding of "home" to expand the existing base of knowledge about the phenomenon of runaways. Phenomenological study was undertaken using Colaizzi method. Data were collected through interviews with 10 girls aged 15 to 20 years that had not passed much time since their escape. Results indicated a complex understanding of "Home" by participants. In principle, meaning of "home" for them was be connected to "absence" of it and at the same time the ideal home, real home, homelessness and alternative home are in their mind and can be seen in the behavior. "Being" or "no" in this context, is the origin of judgments about their character. Indeed, understanding the meaning of "home" as a mental construct, forms the character of runaway girls and influenced by prevailing social norms and structures.


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