Investigating Marital Satisfaction of Women and its Relationship with Couples' Cultural Capital

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Yasuj University


This study is carried out with the purpose of investigating the role of couples' cultural capital on the marital satisfaction of married women. Research method of this study was survey and the members of the study population were married women of age 15 to 54 living in Yasuj. The 380 individuals were selected via cluster random sampling as sample groups. Research tools for measuring marital satisfaction was Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale and the cultural capital data were collected through researcher-made Scale. The validity of the scale was determined by face validity and the reliability of this scale was estimated through Cronbach’s Alpha. Findings showed that the women marital satisfaction tends to be at the medium to high level. Also there were significant relationships between objectified cultural capital of women, husband’s Objectified, Embodied and institutionalized cultural capital with women’s martial satisfaction. Multiple regression analyses showed that both objectified and embodied cultural capital of husbands together explained 8% of the dependent variable variance of women’s marital satisfaction. Results of this research showed that cultural capital can provide emotional energy for the other side in marital relationships; and consequently, this generated emotional energy can lead to marital satisfaction or lack of it.


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