Factor Structure and Reliability of the Persian Version of the Scale of Psychological Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Kurdistan

2 Department of Counseling, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran


The present study aims to examine the factor structure, validity, and reliability of the scale of Psychological Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence (EAPA-P) among Iranian women. The research method was descriptive correlation and the participants consisted of 342 injured women who were selected by available sampling. Participants completed Psychological Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence (EAPA-P) and Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS-2). The results of reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the subscale of direct strategies of EAPA-P were reported and indirect strategies were 0.91 and 0.90 respectively. According to the validity index, the correlation of spousal abuse factors (EAPA-P) with the psychological and physical violence sub-category of (CTS-2) was positive and significant (P<0.01).  Also, the correlation of factors of (EAPA-P) with negative negotiation subscale has been obtained (P<0.05). Results of Goodness-0f-fit index 0/90, Comparative Fit Index 0/95 and Root Mean Squara Error of Approximation 0/067 which Showed that the two-factor model of the two forms fit with the data. In general, it can be stated that (EAPA-P) has the necessary properties of validity and reliability and can be employed in family research studies and consultation.


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